Make Your Own Eco Laptop Stand

Posted on Thursday 12 July 2012 and filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Do you have plenty of boxes that you want to throw away, but feel that it is a waste of resources? Why not use them to create something environmentally friendly, which will also save you money from purchasing a factory-made laptop stand?

Laptop stands are essential these days to prevent your machine from overheating. As vents are found at the base of the laptop where the battery is situated, placing laptops flat on the surface can obstruct the flow of air that will result in the machine overheating.

The images above illustrate the steps to create an eco-friendly laptop stand, which not only helps you save cost but also helps you tap into your creativity to recycle your boxes for something useful.

1) Cut out the pieces (as shown in Image 2).
2) You will need 2 of the 'big piece' shown in Image 2.
3) Place the 'small piece' (in Image 2) on a cardboard, and outline the shape with a pencil. Then flip it to the other side to form a mirror image so that a long cardboard piece can be produced (as seen in Image 4).
4) Remember to cut the slits on each side so that the 'big pieces' can be fitted on the cardboard to form the laptop stand.
5) Your eco laptop stand is now ready for use.

Author: Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (JULY 2012)

2 Responses for “ Make Your Own Eco Laptop Stand”

  1. Patricia Yates says:

    Nice one. At least those boxes are still useful.

  2. Kid says:

    Hehehehe. I've just created my very own. Thx for the tip!


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