Sun Tzu's Art of War Unveiled
Posted on Saturday 20 October 2012 and filed under Books , Genevieve Tan Shu Thung , News , Products , Spirituality and Mental Science , Success Portal , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
The mind is a powerful instrument gifted to man. Utilised properly, it will help you live the life that you have always wanted. Compiled more than 2,000 years ago, Sun Tzu's "Art of War" is still perhaps the most influential literature on strategy in the world. This book offers a unique interpretation of Sun Tzu's work, linking it to the teachings of Mental Science. With the power of right-thinking, you will find that the life of your dreams is just within your reach. Master your mind and be the mastermind of your own life.
With this life-changing book, you will learn that destiny is in your hands. Genevieve Tan Shu Thung has travelled around the globe to teach people how to harness the power of the mind to create the reality that they desire to experience in life.
“Genevieve Tan's recently published Art of War book titled "Sun Tzu's Art of War Unveiled: A Fourth-Dimensional Interpretation to Master Your Mind" is a superior Art of War book and a must-have edition for your library.
Much like Dr Thomas Cleary, Ms Tan has the rare gift of presenting complicated ideas and making them understandable. This is a mark of someone who truly grasped the material and, thus, teaches with great clarity.
For example, "Sun Tzu's Art of War Unveiled" explains so well the central yet intricate theme of our Chinese classic -- that the source of problems and opportunities in conflicts and competition is in the mind -- that even I wished we could have included some of her insightful concepts in the official Sonshi Art of War.
You could've guessed by now that Genevieve Tan is no average author. Her full name is Genevieve Tan Shu Thung (also known as Sandhya). According to her biography she is: ...a spiritual guide, inspirational speaker and author. She is well-known for the meditation technique named after her - "Sandhya Maarga Meditation". This technique brings about rapid transformation within an individual to realise that the innate consciousness is the cause of every activity within the Universe. It helps align an individual with the natural Universal forces and expand the awareness of the infinite Being within each and everyone to maximize their self-potential in all areas of life.
Despite my traditional mindset, I was convinced by Ms Tan's sound logic expounding Sun Tzu's Art of War. What most people would consider New Age or mysticism, the profound ideas presented were actually reasonable and practical.
I would be the last to tell you I know all the inner workings of the universe. So I remain open-minded to new ideas. Genevieve Tan's Art of War book is innovative and educational. You will learn many valuable lessons even if you're an experienced Art of War student. I know I did.
Conclusion: Highly recommended”
- Thomas Huynh: Founder of the world's largest resource on the Art of War - &
Author of "Art of War: Spirituality for Conflict"
Author of "Art of War: Spirituality for Conflict"
“This is a very thought-provoking and enlightening book. For someone who never studied religion or philosophy, it opened many paths of understanding and kindled a desire for further search of wisdom and fulfillment.”
- Anders Nelsson: Veteran Singer, Actor, DJ and Founder of the Anders Nelsson Group of Companies
“This riveting book awakens our mind to human’s true potential. It reveals simple strategies that will transform the way you think. You should get ten copies of it – one for yourself and nine to give away. It will change many people’s lives.”
- Jonathan Quek: Wealth Coach & Best-selling Author for "Why Gold? Why Silver? Why Now?"
"Over 2500 years ago the great Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu handed down to posterity his inimitable treatise ‘The Art of War.’
Among his many pearls of wisdom, is how one could successfully defeat an adversary with the inherent power of one’s mind. Down the years his thoughts continue to inspire and just as much mystify the world.
Geneviève Tan Shu Thung, a mindful seeker in her own right, takes a bold ‘ fourth dimensional’ approach in this book to shed insightful light in elaborating some of the salient yet elusive gems found in that timeless classic. In lucid terms with scholarly presentation Geneviève explains how Sun Tzu’s strategic philosophy has become increasingly pertinent to modern times.
Her unique prose delivered succinctly in a compelling style helps the reader to comprehend and appreciate the very thoughts of Sun Tzu in a meaningful manner. She provides a gentle interpretation of the esoteric concepts envisaged by the illustrious sage. As she unveils the true aspects of the soul-searching masterpiece of Sun Tzu one fails not to see how the original strategy meant to gain victory on the battlefield could transcend into a win-win fait accompli for anyone living in contemporary times.
Whether it is a corporate warrior or a harried housewife, Genevieve’s book shows the way to a panacea that is already within one’s Mind’s Eye."
- Charles Rex de Silva: Independent Editorial Consultant, Former Editor-in-Chief for the Borneo Bulletin Newspaper & Former Journalist for the German Press Agency (dpa)
"Excellent and Compelling arguments from a very talented Author who has clearly mastered the concepts about which she writes. The correlation drawn between the principles of Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' and her own teachings is well structured, succinctly characterised and thought-provoking at the same time. A wonderful read!"
- Osman R.C. Johnson: Shadow Minister for Grand Bahama & Attorney
“This book shows the writer’s capability in cultivating and exploiting the principles discussed in Sun Tzu’s Art of War in a holistic view or approach whereby the great general’s mastery of war is transformed into an art of winning the inner battle of conflict within oneself. Her style of writing, coupled with her vast knowledge of holistic living as well as logical and interesting arguments managed to empower, provoke, inspire and influence the readers to learn from the great general’s skills in order to win the enemies from within. For sure, this book can definitely teach you how to win against a struggle or confrontation, both externally and internally."
- Akmal Syamsuddin: Editor for The Brunei Times & Former Managing Editor for the Jakarta Post
"Life is a battlefield of the mind. Genevieve's holistic approach in writing and explaining Sun Tzu's Art of War is wonderfully written to give a clear understanding on how a troubled mind can implement Sun Tzu's battle techniques in life."
- Sukhbir Cheema: Journalist for the New Straits Times
“A brilliantly innovative application of Sun Tzu's classical treatise. Focusing upon the nature of the Self, it describes the psychological battlefield upon which life goals are fought for, then advises the reader upon strategies to attain them. Clearly set out with practical illustrations, having this book in your armoury ensures your goals WILL be achieved.”
- Maurice Thurman: Published Author & Retired Teacher
"This is an excellent guide to deal with our inner conflicts. All Naturopaths know that the mind influences our body and actions. Even the best of medicine cannot confer us happiness and well-being. Genevieve clearly explains in her book using the deep philosophy taught by Sun Tzu many centuries ago, that the mind is the key to unlock Man's infinite potential. This book will definitely enrich the readers' soul and inspire them to lead the best life they can."
- Wong Eileen: Doctor of Naturopathy, Journalist for Holistic Living Annex & Yoga Trainer
"The Sun Tzu's classical war strategies are intelligently analysed and presented in this book to show everyone the way to achieve the success they have always dreamed of. A spiritual guide and teacher of Mental Science, Genevieve's teachings throughout the years to inspire people towards maximising one's potential in life are consolidated in this rare masterpiece."
- Tey Sze Chze: Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn) & Journalist for Holistic Living Annex
"You are what your mind tells you. Whether you are happy or unhappy with your current life, reading this book will definitely change the way you think. Every word you read will empower you, restoring your inner strength to endure the journey in life to secure your goals."
- Nicoleta Buru: Founder for Fashion Consciousness Community & Former Journalist with Flux (R. Moldova)
Updated 24/08/2015:
Book is now available at all major bookstores in Malaysia.
Book launch for Malaysia is scheduled for October 3rd, 2015 (3pm) at Midvalley Megamall.
Come join the author for a free lecture on Mind Mastery, book signing and Q&A session.
Released in October 2012.
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other major online bookstores.
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Updated 24/08/2015:
Book is now available at all major bookstores in Malaysia.
Book launch for Malaysia is scheduled for October 3rd, 2015 (3pm) at Midvalley Megamall.
Come join the author for a free lecture on Mind Mastery, book signing and Q&A session.
NOTE: Want to have a sneak preview of the book?
Visit now!
For any query related to this book,
please feel free to contact SunTzuAOW[at]
For any query related to this book,
please feel free to contact SunTzuAOW[at]
31 Responses for “ Sun Tzu's Art of War Unveiled”
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I've checked Amazon. No listing yet. Around when can we start ordering this book? I'm interested in getting one copy.
There is no link to buy this book online?
Read the notice guys. It clearly states that it will only be released in November.
This book looks interesting and I would love to purchase one, but I stay in Singapore. Does Amazon deliver to Singapore? Is there any other way I can purchase this book? From this website perhaps or can I get it from Kinokuniya?
I WANT THE BOOK!!! Is this hardcover or paperback?
Can it be bought at our local bookstore or must we order online? I'd love to have a copy please.
@interested: The book has not been listed on Amazon yet. It will take some time. By end of November, it should already get listed. Those who order directly from the HLA site can do so beginning of next month when it is released (November 2012). We will be providing a link by then.
@Maria: There will be, in November.
@Jenny: Check with Amazon. I think Amazon does deliver to Singapore, but there will be shipping charges. Otherwise, you can order directly from this website when we publish the link next month.
@Raine: This is a paperback copy.
@Samuel: It will take some time before it reaches your local bookstore. To get hold of a copy soon, please order it online. We will publish a link on this website next month for those who are interested in purchasing this book. Thank you!
Thanks for the speedy reply. I just saw the interior of the book on facebook. It looks pretty good to me. I'd really love to have a copy. Why doesn't Holistic Living Annex publish those sneak previews of the book here instead? I'm sure potential readers would love to see those images to get the feel of reading the book before going through the reviews? Just saying. At least it gives them the idea how the book looks like without having to click on the facebook link. After all, the interior looks really good.
I am also interested in the book but Amazon US charges US9.98 for shipping and Amazon UK £8.48. It would be cheaper if I can buy it direct from HLA. Please provide the link soon. Thanks
@Samuel: You can check the interior of the book on Amazon. We've provided a "LOOK INSIDE" feature to give you a feel of owning the physical book with the first few pages.
@Liu: The book will be launched in Malaysia end of December. We will provide a link for purchases in Malaysia then.
If however you would like a copy by the end of this month, we would mail you the book from our end if you can make an online payment.
Write in to us at SunTzuAOW[at] and we'll provide you with the payment details. Thank you so much for your support.
Admin, thanks.
I have ordered the book from Amazon, UK.
I finished reading the book in 2 days!! It was amazing to see how the strategies for war can also be applied in life. Although I did not understand a word of the chinese characters, it was a nice touch to have included them. It made the book look more authentic.
When I was a teenager, I read the art of war translated by Lionel Giles. I found Giles' translation pretty poor because I could not make out what he was trying to say. As I said, although I do not read Chinese, judging by the English translation text alone, this book is absolutely fantastic! Accompanied with an excellent interpretation of self-empowerment from a spiritual perspective, the book was perfect. I'll be waiting for the Master's next book. Love and hugs from Glasgow.
Wow Emma, how did you ever finish reading in 2 days? It took me a week! Perhaps it's because I'm getting older and my eyesight just ain't how it used to be. The philosophy in Chapter 12 was rather deep. I had to re-read the chapter 3 times before I could grasp the concept of burning the ego. It's quite difficult to describe the book. It is definitely very spiritual and philosophical but it also has a tinge of the personal development touch. Each verse is separated into three parts: verse in chinese, translation and the interpretation. One would expect that the layout would be rather confusing, but surprisingly it was quite easy on the eye. The book was nicely presented.
I haven't read the one by Giles, but I've seen the art of war by another author. It was for business strategy or something along that line. Maybe it's because I do not own a business, but I didn't find it to be my cup of tea. However, I definitely enjoyed reading this version.
@Liu: Thank you again for your support. We hope you enjoy your copy.
@Emma & Juanita: Thank you for taking the time to write a feedback.
I've read the book. The content was really deep. It definitely awakened some inner power within me that I had left dormant for such a long time. But since I'm familiar with the Master's teachings for so long, I'd dare to say that her philosophical teachings of so many years are condensed in this art of war book. I've read it twice now and every time I read it, I discover something new. Probably because I didn't understand it at first because some concepts are quite deep for the monkey mind of mine to grasp.
Great book!! I ordered my copy from Amazon and received it within 2 days. I finished reading it in 3 days! It opened my eyes to the infinite possibilities of the mind. I'm buying another copy for my mother for christmas. Thank you!!!
I got a copy of this book when my uncle recommended me to read it. He got it about 2 months ago and it became his bible ever since. My uncle couldn't stop talking about it. I have always been skeptical about the powers of the mind.
People manifesting goals or desires always seemed materialistic to me. But my uncle said that this book would open my eyes that utilising the power of the mind is not in any way materialistic at all, but is in fact our very purpose - to realise this divine gift. Before reading the book, I didn't quite understand what he meant.
After much coaxing, I bought a copy and I swear that it was the best start for me in 2013. I am sure with the strategies outlined in the book, I can make this year an awesome one! I feel so confident already. :))
Not only does the book gives us the strategy to make our dreams come true, it is presented in such a way that made me feel that it is "just right". I'm very spiritually inclined and I would never have expected to feel so enlightened with a book written for war!
I've just placed my order on Amazon. Hope to receive it soon.
{PART 1 - Sorry, it's a bit long!} I bought a copy of this book few weeks ago. I loved the way the ancient wisdom was illustrated and explained in this book. I loved it so much that I got another copy as my sister's birthday present few days ago.
Actually, my life was falling apart when I bought this book. My parents' divorce was finalized last year, my boyfriend left me, I just got fired from a job, my best friend betrayed me ~~~ and the list continues. My life couldn't be any lower than this. When my parents decided to get a divorce, I felt my whole world crumbled upon me. There was nothing to live for anymore you know. Even if they were together, they were always fighting and my sister and I were very depressed teenagers. My sister started to smoke and mixed with all the wrong company. Well, so did I. It's not because we are bad people, but we just needed to find an outlet from this hopelessness that surrounded us. But because of our pain, we didn't realise what bad company was doing to our lives.
I was browsing the net one day for a natural cure for acne and I landed on this site. My acne got really bad since I started smoking. I really loved reading all the articles on natural lifestyle on Holistic Living Annex. I read all the motivational articles and also the interviews published on this site. Because of that, I decided to just buy the book advertised at the side of the page. If the articles she has written, or the interviews that she has given to people could inspire me, I believed that the book could do the same.
After I finished reading this book, I decided to change my life. I made a few changes here and there. Genevieve wrote that our company defines us. So I got rid of my ‘friends’ whom weren’t serving my life well. I didn’t want to be like them just smoking and fooling around all day long. I wanted to be more. I wanted to be successful just like those who have their own house, car, family..
Just as the author suggested to write one’s objectives down, I did. It wasn't easy writing down my objectives when I felt like an ultimate failure. I started with small objectives like quitting smoking. I wanted to improve my relationship with my parents (to actually sit down together and have dinner - all of us). The fact that they are divorced didn't seem at all possible for me! But I chose to believe that it would happen. I've applied for a couple of jobs - to be a waitress downtown, cashier in the local grocery store etc. But none got back to me (probably because of my previous bad records). So, I listed down a job to be one of my goals.
Just as the author said in chapter 5 (my favourite chapter), I constantly checked if my faith in my goals had wavered. It was extremely difficult to shut my external senses just like how the author said to "see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil" and to believe in what I want to see instead. Every day, I had to go home to a house that is cold. My mom wouldn't speak much and my sister would be busy hanging out with her friends and my dad, he just wasn't there because my parents were divorced. It wasn't easy to blind my eyes to such a situation. I felt like running away again just like before. To stay out late until everyone goes to bed. But in her book, Genevieve said not to "run away from the temptations that are placed before you". So I did my best. I stayed at home and saw within myself that my family was sitting around the dining table having a good meal.
Every day I go back to a home in my mind that is filled with laughter. In my mind, I see that my family was seated around the dining table, eating and chatting happily just like every other family. I had to convince my subconscious mind that this is so.
{PART 2} After a week doing these visualisations and meditation, my sister and mom had a huge fight. Now it seemed even worse than before. They were screaming and banging the furnitures. I started to doubt my vision again. But I quickly changed and chose to become blind to what I had just observed and focused on my vision instead. I used all the techniques listed in chapter 13 to visualize my goal coming true.
After 2 weeks, I stopped smoking. I suffered from some withdrawal symptoms but I kept the courage to quit. I now no longer see the body as merely a body but as per the author's advice - a temple that is instrumental for me to achieve goals that are worthy of me.
But I still didn't get the job that I wanted. Then I realised that I wasn't specific enough. I did some soul-searching and realised that I didn't want a job at the local diner or grocery store. What I wanted was a fair salary. I never applied for any office positions before because I never thought I would get any. After all, I am just a high-school dropout. This time, I wanted to wear an office attire to work. I went shopping for a cheap pair of formal wear and applied for some secretary positions in the newspaper. My sister laughed at me but I kept my faith.
Fast forward my life to a few days ago, I got that golden call. A small company called me up for an interview and I was hired on the spot. I breezed through the interview questions like I never did before. How surprising!! My mom suddenly agreed to plan a small birthday party for my sister for the first time in 5 years!!!!! Double surprise! And my dad was invited too!! We had a very good dinner with no fights whatsoever 2 days ago. We celebrated my new office job that paid me a good salary (for now) and my success in quitting my smoking habit!
I hope now that my sister has this book, she would change her life too. Life for me for the past few weeks has been amazing. Knowing now for sure that I hold the key to my destiny, life will never ever be the same again.
Thanks for sharing your story Sarah. We at HLA wish the best for you and your life as well.
Maybe this is what I need at the moment. I think I'm already losing the battle of my life. Order placed. Please deliver it soon. TQ
It was an excellent book! I can't wait for the next book to be out. When is the author producing another one and what is it all about?
Hi! I'm Emily and I'd like to share my story. I didn't know whether to post this story in the book's page or to e-mail this story in to be listed under the mastermind category, so I am doing both. To begin with, I hated my job! I hated everything about it from the working hours to the discrimination I experienced at work. I thought I couldn't blame myself because I felt as though I was forced to do it even though I clearly didn't like it.
You see, I have to feed my family. I have an old dad at home who cannot work no more and I have a 10-year-old son whose father left him 3 years ago. I was a young single mother who had no choice but to work to support this family. It's not surprising that I had all these anger and vengeful feeling boiling deep inside of me. Eventually I suffered from low self-esteem as well because I just saw more and more injustice around me. Why is it that people can go home to a happy family and I didn't?! Or at least, I thought so.
People always criticized me because they saw me as a young single-mother who didn't know how to be a mother. I was judged everywhere I went. They always told me that I was incapable of raising my child alone. I had to either get married or just put my child up for adoption. Obviously that was not what I wanted! I became hateful and I was very unhappy. I had to juggle between work and taking care of my family.
I'm not very highly educated as well and I was very conscious about what other people thought of me. Having a kid without a husband made it much harder for me to cope. I cursed myself and I wished I could die!! Being one of the youngest workers in the company made my voice and opinions unappreciated too so much so I have stopped trying to change the company lest they label me again for trying to 'rock the boat'. My manager said to me few months ago that I should just do my job quietly and not try to shine in places where I'm not wanted, and that I still had a long way to go! But I really believed that my suggestions would benefit the company. Aren't we all supposed to play our parts in an organization? She even threatened me that my job was at stake if I didn't step back? So I just let it go. I did what was required of me, but I wasn't at all 'shining'. With her around, office really was like hell to me!
A very dear colleague knew that I was feeling so miserable due to all the challenges in my life that she asked me to start meditating to calm my mind. I thought it was silly but I really needed something! I was losing my mind!! August last year, I googled to see how to meditate and that is how I came across this site. I was finding out the reasons why people meditate and somehow the universe must have thought that I should take a look at this site. I really love reading the articles here.
When the article on the art of war book came up, I decided to purchase one from Amazon. When it arrived, I finished reading it in a couple of days and I loved it. I've always been battling with myself and I didn't even know it!
Page 129 of the art of war book is my favorite! It states there that "when you come face-to-face with people who challenge your views and beliefs, do not feel threatened or confined by their judgements. You do not become stupid simply because others say that you are."
I've always felt intimidated or challenged whenever someone labelled me. But why should I? That instant I read that, it was sort of a bang in my head. I didn't need to care what others think of me. After all, Genevieve wrote on the same page that "the fault of an unfulfilled dream does not lie with circumstances or the people whom you meet along the way, but with a defective inner vision."
My horrible life was my own defective inner vision. I dreaded to go to work every morning because I felt unappreciated. But until I started to appreciate my own life, no one was going to appreciate me! I had to "face opposing forces courageously, knowing that I alone hold the key to my destiny!" (pg. 130)
I decided there and then to focus only on the good stuff in my life - stuff that I had overlooked for years, not even realizing that they were there all along. I tried to list all the good side of things just like the book said. I thought I didn't have a great job at that time but hey, I HAD A JOB! There are people without jobs who sleep on streets! I didn't have a husband (and I still don't!), but I have a father who encourages me to live my life as happy as I can and I have a beautiful son who loves me and waits up for me whenever I come home late from work! I cannot afford all the luxuries other people have but at least I still have a roof over my head! I have so many things to thank for that I never noticed before. I'm young and though I do not have high qualifications, I have two hands and a perfectly functional brain to work with.
I also used the steps in chapter 13 to direct my mind in the correct way to manifest my vision. I wanted to be the star salesperson of that month. Every star salesman/saleswoman will get a special silver star clip that he/she must wear to the office daily to remind others of the company's recognition of their hard work. Even though that seemed like a petty wish, I really wanted to wear that silver clip because I wanted to know that I was appreciated in the company. At least, I would know that I am appreciated for something!!
At the end of the month, I got that silver clip after all. My colleagues thought I worked so hard that month to get my sales up but I really didn't do anything different than I did before. I didn't do more marketing or approached more people. I simply saw myself wearing that silver clip and feeling so appreciated by my company! I went to work and left work happily every single day. I enjoyed my time with my dad and son the best way we could; the most important thing was for us to all laugh and just have a good time. Somehow, random people just started chatting with me and asked me what I did for a living and when we were done with the conversation, they just ended up buying the products! Just like that! It didn't even take any extra effort.
I think all these happened because I was not dreading about my job anymore. I began to appreciate what I had and so I had to have more. The universal law gave me just that in the form of the silver clip I had wanted so badly! And guess what? Due to some undisclosed reasons, my company fired my manager few days ago. Now, I'm training my son to be the next warrior of the mind so that he will have a magnificent life ahead of him.
The stories sound interesting. Would like to order a copy now. Thanks yeah.
I bought this book a month ago and just finished reading it today. I've read The Secret and all, so I thought this book was just another book along that line. While similar principles existed in this book, the author's writing was very convincing. The techniqes were so clearly illustrated and I was awed by her philosophical intelligence. I was wondering if I could get any of her other works elsewhere? I tried googling her name and this is where I landed. Any other masterpieces by this author?
It's a really good book. It expanded my mind. Made me think like a true warrior of life.
I bought this book from MPH in Midvalley. I finished reading yesterday. Very very good book using traditional Chinese knowledge and wisdom. Lots of wise words and make me think alot about how to win this battle of life.
This is a very very good book. I've learned so much in these 2 days.
The problem I have is that I've heard this all before; different products, but the same selling technique.
I'd like to believe that this is different, better, really effective, but I can't get there after finding so many others to be less than promised.
This comment encompasses all my negative experiences (there haven't been any positive) including: holistic living and health, various mental sciences programs (NLP), meditation, yoga, you name it. Yes, even another interpretation of Sun Tsu's "Art of War," a treatise on military strategy that has been re-purposed to death.
Question: If this method brings happiness, success and whatever you want in life, why isn't the planet covered-up with ecstatic people without a care in the world -- especially the Chinese people -- after all, the "Art of War" has been around for 2,500 years or so.
Sorry, this post is just an account of my adventures in this area.