Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

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Genevieve Tan Shu Thung (also known as Sandhya)LL.B (Hons), DipNutri, DipAro, DipYoga, CertEd, Ph.D, is the Spiritual Master for the Sandhya Maarga Mission, the founder of the Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Academy.

As a spiritual guide for the Sandhya Maarga Mission, she is known for her meditation technique named after her - the "Sandhya Maarga Meditation", which brings about rapid transformation within an individual to realise that the innate consciousness is the cause of every activity within the Universe. It helps align an individual with the natural Universal forces and expand the awareness of the infinite Being within each and everyone to maximise their self-potential in all areas of life.

Genevieve is also the founder of the Sandhya Maarga Yoga system. The Sandhya Maarga Yoga system encompasses the different streams of Yoga practice which she has devised. Few of the most notable original forms of Yoga that Genevieve has founded include (i) AcuYogaPressure , (ii) Abhyangam Yoga (Deep-Heat Massage Yoga), and (iii) Velocity Yoga  / Cardi-Yoga-Robics, and (iv) Arohanam Yoga™ (also known as Ascension Yoga™ or Ladder Yoga™)Recognised for her role and contribution to the field of Yoga, Master Genevieve has been appointed as an Honorary Advisor to the World Yoga Foundation and is featured on the famous breakfast show: Good Morning Tai Tai (Malaysia)'s weekly Yoga segment on NTV7.

Genevieve has written many inspirational articles related to the power of right-thought to motivate all to cultivate confidence in the Self of which physical reality manifests from. Her recently published book, which has gotten positive international reviews and is sold globally is "Sun Tzu's Art of War Unveiled: A Fourth-Dimensional Interpretation to Master Your Mind" - the book guides readers how to be the mastermind of their own life in every aspect. She also writes for The Jakarta Post - writing articles related to health and wellness.

A charismatic speaker, Genevieve has been invited to deliver lectures, workshops and interviews related to holistic living & personal development by various organisations such as the Philippines College in the Advancement of Medicine, Global News Network, Eagle Broadcasting Corporation, the Parkson Group, Metro IVF Hospital Group and more. She has delivered lectures and speeches around the world pertaining to Mental Science, Spirituality and Alternative Medicines, and has disciples/students of different nationalities. 

Also an experienced naturopath, Genevieve specialises in mind-body medicine, herbalism, vibrational therapy (Radionics & Vibropathy), and Yoga, and is also a Homoeopathy practitioner and an acupuncturist. She has been providing free voluntary alternative healthcare services (medicinal herbalism, Vibropathy & acupuncture) and free education in the rural villages of India. Genevieve received the "Health Excellence Award" from the hands of the former Vice Chancellor of Singhania University in Rajasthan Prof. Dr. Sohan Raj Tater  for exemplifying invaluable leadership in serving the ailing society and the humanity at large.

Genevieve has also started her own natural skincare line called Genevieve's Eternal Elixir (GE²) and is currently authoring other books on the relationship between the mind and diseases, the teachings of Tao and on other alternative systems of medicine.

Genevieve is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief for Holistic Living Annex to educate people how to lead a holistic lifestyle to boost the quality of their health and life experiences to achieve success. This free magazine also aims to raise the awareness of the public on the role of alternative medicines in the world today. She used to be a journalist and write for The Brunei Times and Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA / German Press Agency), one of the largest news agencies in the world.

The source of motivation and inspiration for many youths around the world, Genevieve does not only inspire them to harness their innate power of right-thought through her lectures and writings, but is also actively involved in the performing arts field. The young producer and director helps youths tap their hidden talents of expression for better use. She has produced various productions (ranging from stage productions to films) to send subtle messages on human values to the world. Through her productions, she has shared subtle messages concerning the philosophy of life.

She is the founder of Kreativ Künste Productions, which productions aim to invoke compassion and promote reflective thinking, further educate and raise awareness on the importance of leading a natural and healthy lifestyle, to serve humanity and share tips on how to achieve success.

Genevieve also spearheaded various humanity service programmes such as the free Chitta Vajra Programme for Kids, which is designed to instill moral education into young children so that they may grow up to serve others and contribute back to society in a positive way. Other programmes include the Women Life Force in Action (WLFiA) programme that helps and support women in the local Malaysian community to stand up for themselves against abuse of any kind. She also founded the PawPrints Natural Rescue programme that rescues strays inflicted with diseases to treat them based on the principles of alternative medicines such as acupuncture, medicinal herbalism, homoeopathy etc.

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