Silambarasu Karuppiah

Posted on Thursday 2 February 2012 and filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Silambarasu Karuppiah, B.Pharm (Hons), DipNutri, completed his degree in Pharmacy and is now working as a pharmacist in one of Malaysia's general hospitals. He is also a disciple of Master Genevieve Tan and is a meditation preceptor with the Sandhya Maarga Mission.

Possessing a strong link to the practice of spirituality and meditation since a young age, he holds on to his strong interest in Quantum Physics, believing that everything in the entire cosmos is vibrating with infinite energy.

Silambarasu has also deep interest in alternative methods of healing. Although he is a pharmacist in conventional medicine (Allopathy), Silambarasu views that pharmaceutical drugs may not be the best option in maintaining health because of their accompanying side effects. He believes that the practice of holistic medicine such as Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Alternative Medicine systems offer better treatment in the long run as they aim to treat each disease from its root, instead of just alleviating the symptoms.

He is also a Sandhya Maarga instructor for the Yoga for Kids course, a mentor for the Sandhya Maarga Chitta Vajra Programme for Kids and our Vedic Mathematics tutor; a mathematic course that trains students how to solve mathematical questions mentally using unique formulas. Silambarasu is also a lecturer with the Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Academy.

This pharmacist will be contributing articles to update readers the current issues pertaining to the pharmaceutical field. He is also one of the editors for the HLA magazine.

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