Yap Siou Yu
Posted on Thursday 2 February 2012 and filed under Team , Yap Siou Yu , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
Yap Siou Yu
Sandhya Maarga Diploma in Diet & Nutrition Student
Yap Siou Yu, one of Sandhya Maarga's Diploma in Diet & Nutrition (UK) students, is a family-oriented daughter who is continuously influenced by her health-enthusiast mother, resulting in her taking a deep interest in a healthy living lifestyle.
Her passion in this field has led her to take a further step to explore the possibilities in the field of Diet & Nutrition. She believes that health and happiness go in hand-in-hand together and that these are attainable with maintaining a correct diet.
Her motto is "Love yourself and stay healthy. This is the greatest gift you can give your loved ones."
Sandhya Maarga Diploma in Diet & Nutrition Student
Yap Siou Yu, one of Sandhya Maarga's Diploma in Diet & Nutrition (UK) students, is a family-oriented daughter who is continuously influenced by her health-enthusiast mother, resulting in her taking a deep interest in a healthy living lifestyle.
Her passion in this field has led her to take a further step to explore the possibilities in the field of Diet & Nutrition. She believes that health and happiness go in hand-in-hand together and that these are attainable with maintaining a correct diet.
Her motto is "Love yourself and stay healthy. This is the greatest gift you can give your loved ones."
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