Letting Go...
Posted on Monday 18 June 2012 and filed under Genevieve Tan Shu Thung , Poetry , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
Life may be fleeting,
Yet it is wonderfully interesting.
One cannot escape from the body that is impermanent,
No matter where and how we may turn.
Filled with pain and laughter,
Loomed with mystery and wonder,
One asks "Oh why must the body perish?"
All the more life, one must cherish...
So give them your blessings you must,
For you know that the body is just dust.
To the light they must go,
Cry for them not for they shall know...
However much you grieve,
You will still need to live.
You have so much love to give,
To others who still need you to continue their lives with.
So do cheer up my friend,
For you both shall meet again.
And you will realise then
There really is no such thing as the end.
Poet: Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 6 - JULY 2012 Edn)
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Thank you to all. I am going to cherish all the good time I had with my friend. Though she is no more, she still lives within my heart. All the good memories we shared will always be vivid in my mind. True friendship never dies.