Origami Mummy
Posted on Sunday 4 May 2014 and filed under Genevieve Tan Shu Thung , HoLiNex TV , Videos , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
We proudly present a unique short sketch that exemplifies the greatness of a mother's love for her child in this Mother's Day 2014 movie titled "Origami Mummy".
When one watches this video, one is reminded how often we take for granted the love that has been shown to us by our mothers. There is no love greater and purer than that of a mother's.
Do enjoy. Please 'Like' it if you liked the message of the video, and 'Share' it if you want the message to reach your friends to remind them to treasure their mothers. Subscribe to our Channel for more inspirational videos at http://www.youtube.com/SandhyaMaargaAnnex
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5 Responses for “ Origami Mummy”
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It was a very good movie. Great storyline! Well done!!
Ohhhhhh!! It was so heartbreaking!!! We don't realise that we do this to our moms. This video really knocked some sense in our heads. I think many would agree that we got to see ourselves through this. I'm watching this for the third time since it was last posted last year during Mother's Day and I'm still touched till now... Thanks for sharing again
sob~~ sob~~~~ Mothers are so beautiful!!! I really love this sketch! The idea was so original!! I've also watched it last year and it is still refreshing to watch it again now. I love my mama.
You rock girl! Would never have dreamed that origami could become a theme of such a meaningful movie.
You're good! I love how this movie was scripted around the ancient art of origami. It's simply amazing. So creative and deep.