As Within, So Without

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One’s life is simply a reflection of their belief system caused by the daily ‘feeding’ of affirmations in one’s subconscious mind, be it positive or negative. When you begin to understand this, you can now use affirmations in the right way to transform your life. Affirmations are simply statements that are constantly repeated verbally or within an individual that form one’s belief system.

It does not matter how you have programmed your subconscious mind in the past to shape your current life. You might have assimilated other people’s suggestions unconsciously, and even accepted negative suggestions from your family or friends that they are now internalised and are part of your thought-routine. Those that are created can also be destroyed.

"Turn the great wheel backward until Troy unburn."

All that are not pleasant to you are not absolute. Revise those unlovely images in your mind, and it shall change. Replace those negative thoughts with positive ones, and when persisted in, your circumstances shall begin to shape themselves to the ideal life that you so desire.

It is the nature of the mind to fluctuate from time to time, but whenever you find yourself convinced that a negative suggestion or thought to be true, remember that whatever ideal you surrender your mind to, it shall become true to your circumstances. So pull yourself together and remember that the Source of all creation is all-pervasive, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. This power is latent within every Man. Nothing can fail you lest you fail yourself.

If you know who You really are, all are possible unto you. Every night when you retire to bed, invoke the special gift of imagination. This world is but a dream. It is a multi-faceted dream, which the dreamer dreamt it into being.

Lie in your bed quietly and relax all muscles. When you begin to feel that the body is completely at ease and are about to drift off to sleep, you have reached the border between wake and sleep. According to Mental Science, this is the Alpha state. This state is achieved when the mind has been stilled from its endless chatters and is highly favourable in the art of visualisation for it is the bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind. This is the best time for you to take control of all your senses and redirect them to play the image of the ideal you so desire so that your subconscious mind will be impregnated by the ideas you introduced by your conscious mind. Remember to only ‘experience’ the end.

For example, if what you want is to be promoted, then the most natural end result would be to be congratulated for it. Create a scene in your mind and experience the event with all your inner senses. You may imagine that your boss is congratulating you. ‘Listen’ to his voice with your inner ear. ‘Observe’ his face as he congratulates you. ‘Feel’ his handshake or his pat on your shoulder for your success. ‘Feel’ the joy and gratitude that your dream has now materialised. Repeat the scene over and over again until you drift off to sleep.

How the scene will materialise in your objective reality is unimportant. Nature abhors a vacuum. Your current life circumstances will begin to shape themselves to be the perfect end result that you have ‘experienced’ within.

I had a student, Miss U.W., from the United Kingdom who loved to cook and needed a blender. She was however not willing to part with her money to buy it. I suggested to her to invoke the power of her imagination to bring her a free blender. Every night without fail, she would ‘switch’ the blender on and off in her imagination, again and again in her mind until she fell asleep. One week later, as she was walking home from work, she was compelled from within to take another lane, which she had never taken before. Miss U.W. came across a retail store that was closing down. Outside the advertising window was a blender, sold for only £5 per piece. The original price was £20! She happily bought the blender and gave me a phone call to tell me of her ‘success’ of imagination. I however reminded her that we agreed upon a ‘free blender’ and not a £5 pound blender. Advising her not to compromise, she was to again experience ‘within’ her that she had already received a free blender.

A few days later, Miss U.W. rang me again and said that one of her friends had to leave the country abruptly due to family reasons and was giving her things away. What she got from this friend was a blender!

Another student of mine from Malaysia, Mr. R.C. also wanted a blender to make his own natural facial mask. He too did not want to spend a dime on it. I narrated to him Miss U.W.'s success of getting the free blender, and he decided to repeat the technique. Few days later, he wrote me an e-mail saying that his father's bank had sent him a catalogue to exchange his credit card points for free gifts. His points were just enough to exchange for a free blender, and he did!

All that you behold, though it appears to be without, it is within, in your imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.

Excerpts of Lecture delivered by Master Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Dubai, UAE, (September 03, 2011)

Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 1 - FEB 2012 Edn)

13 Responses for “ As Within, So Without”

  1. imagination says:

    The mind is the most powerful tool one has to shape their destiny. Use it wisely and be free!

  2. Humphreys says:

    You have a very informative site here. Am looking forward to seeing your next edition!

  3. Fanny Yong says:

    After reading this post, I feel like replicating the technique and try to get a free blender too. Since it has worked for 2 people, do you think it's possible that it'll work for me too?

  4. Welcome Fanny,

    As your faith, so be it unto you. Mr. R.C. chose to replicate Miss U.W.'s experience, and it came true for him. Go test that inner power yourself, and you shall discover that there is nothing without, if it is not within. Get yourself that blender!

  5. Wendy Chan says:

    We started off as strangers, and you are now my life teacher. The world is indeed full of surprises! When I finally received that money from you-know-who, I literally burst into tears!!! Now I know that there is no one and nothing that can help me except the power that is in me. It is all in my hands!

  6. Fanny Yong says:

    GUESS WHAT???????????????????????????? I GOT MY FREE BLENDER AFTER ALL!!!! I imagined the exact same thing you said in the article, switching the blender on and off, and blending my favourite juice. This morning, I visited my aunt, and she told me that someone just gave her a new Moulimex blender, and asked me if I'd like her old one!! IT WORKS!!!!!

  7. I am glad to hear of your success in application of the power of your mind, Fanny. As your faith, so be it unto you. Since you believed that you are indeed worthy of a free blender, you got one. Just remember that you got the blender, not because of circumstances on the outside, but because of what you have drawn on the inside. All that is without, is actually within. All the best!

  8. mandygirl says:

    congrats fanny. i would like to manifest a new ipad. who is going to bring me that free ipad? will tell you all of my success when i've gotten it! really need it for work now.

  9. "You" are, mandygirl. Nothing on the outside can bring you anything except your Self. Since you 'need' it for work, the Universe shall bring it to you. A need indicates security, and one is never denied security of anything by nature. It is already yours. We will be waiting for your story.

  10. mandygirl says:

    tq! i was just joking when i asked that question. thanks again for reinforcing my faith in the power within me!

  11. To make our Dreams become a Reality....the first thing we got to do is to wake up!

    Good nite,people!

  12. Queenie Love says:

    I loved the examples. I wished there was more

  13. mandygirl says:

    i just got my ipad guys! and i love it. i promised to share the story, so here i go. after so many months of visualizing the ipad, my friends just suddenly decided to buy me one for my birthday!! ain't that amazin? i wanted a white one, and i got it!


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