Tey Sze Chze

Posted on Thursday 2 February 2012 and filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Tey Sze Chze, LL.B (Hons), BVC (UK), is a professional in the legal field who aspires to make a difference in the world. She is also one of the first few disciples of Mental Science and the Sandhya Maarga Meditation under the guidance of Genevieve Tan.

Tey grew up in a family who strongly held onto family ties and values. The young professional proposes that effective communication and managing relationships are key factors in life. Her skill in managing relationships is also evident in her capability of building strong relationships with animals around her. Tey will be contributing articles regarding family matters and relationships.

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