Tey Chee Seng
Posted on Thursday, 2 February 2012 and filed under Team , Tey Chee Seng , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

He fell in love with cooking at the age of 6, and was the only one, out of five siblings, who stayed in the kitchen to help his mother prepare food for the family. Tey finds the kitchen de-stressing and a place where he can find and express his inspiration. Tey claims that food is the strongest language that he knows.
His passion in the Culinary Art led him to pursue the Bachelors of Food Science and Technology in Malaysia, who later on also furthered his culinary studies overseas. Tey obtained his Le Grand DiplĂ´me Le Cordon Bleu, a highly acclaimed passport to the Culinary World, from the United Kingdom.
The ambitious young chef has a goal to participate in international charity work using the culinary skills he possesses. At the moment, Tey is a partner of Meli Melo Cakes; a professional customised cake business in Malaysia. Meli Melo Cakes specialises in designing cakes for weddings, birthdays, events and other celebrations as well as making cookies, cupcakes, macaroons and more.
Hoping to share his passion in the Culinary Art, the specialist will be sharing with Holistic Living Annex readers his secrets to pastry making.
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