Malaysia, A Nation without Borders

Posted on Sunday 24 June 2012 and filed under , , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

We have produced a Merdeka 2012 short movie for this year's National Day. The video was released 2 months in advanced before Malaysia's National Day 2012. We present to all Malaysians a short movie for this year's Merdeka Day: "Malaysia, A Nation without Borders".

Let us all remind ourselves that friendship is beyond race, caste and creed. We are all proud to be Malaysians. Let us maintain our unique bonds with each other for we are all family! A united Malaysia is our pride. We are known for being a multi-racial and multi-cultural country. Merdeka verily signifies the birth of Malaysia.

Malaysia is one of the few rarest countries whereby its citizens actually speak more than their own dialects. We always help another in need, are open to new ideas and are always ready to learn and respect another culture and tradition. We visit each other's houses during festivals and we do our best to speak each other's languages. This is why we are known as Malaysians!

Please 'Like' it if you liked the message of the video, and 'Share' it if you want the message to reach your friends to remind them to treasure their mothers.

Follow us on Facebook for more updates on our productions:  Kreativ Künste Productions

An original film by Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

Copyright © 2012 Kreativ Künste Productions

41 Responses for “ Malaysia, A Nation without Borders”

  1. A truly Malaysian says:

    Very nice video production. It reflects the culture of Malaysia - a multi-races country. Thank you for producing such a good video.

  2. A truly Malaysian says:

    Very nice video production. It reflects the culture of Malaysia - a multi-races country. Thank you for producing such a good video.

  3. Vivian says:

    I really love your work Genevieve! It simply touches my heart! This is the Malaysia I once knew and fell in love with. Watching this video brought back many fond memories when people mingled around more regardless of their race. Keep up the good work. It may be difficult to produce a movie, but even more difficult to produce a meaningful one. You have all my support! Great work guys.

  4. Anak Malaysia says:

    This is it!! All the nonsensical fighting amongst ourselves should stop. We are all Malaysians, ONE BIG MALAYSIAN FAMILY!

  5. impressed says:

    Brilliant piece of work! Loved every bit of it.

  6. Indra Patel says:

    A short, yet very professionally produced short film. Well done! The message is very clear. It is not only confined to the Malaysian society, but the message applies to every other countries too. In England, we have so many different races as well. But we are all sharing the same land. Why can't we just live in peace?

  7. Linda Chan says:

    The children are so cute!!! The symbolise innocence. Good job!!

  8. 1Malaysia believer says:

    More of such videos should be produced to remind everyone that we are Malaysians and not Chinese, Indian or Malay. The video absolutely reflects the 1Malaysia concept!! Thumbs up!

  9. Nikita Jared says:

    WOWWWWW! This magazine is cool! Not only does it have so many useful articles, it now has videos too???

  10. Randy Nelsson says:

    What a beautiful concept! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Patricia Yates says:

    I loved it! Simply loved it!!

  12. Mohd Karim says:

    This brings back some pretty memories. Too bad the 1Malaysia concept is pretty rarely observed amongst Malaysians these days. It would be wonderful if everyone from all races could mingle with each other without being reminded of the skin colour.

  13. Lim Chong Seng says:

    I'm proud to be Malaysian!!! Was, is, and always will be :D

  14. Harish says:

    It's amazing to see that there is another Yasmin Ahmad on the way in producing meaningful videos.

  15. Kimmy Wong says:

    :0 very talented. keep it up! want to see more of this type of videos similar to petronas' ads in the future

  16. Jeremy TKI says:

    Agreed Harish. Another Yasmin on the way... I missed her ads on TV. They were always very heart-warming. I too would like to see more of these meaningful clips reminding us of our bonds of love as MALAYSIANS!!!!!

  17. Usha Mariappan says:

    I cried. The ending was just perfect. I don't know why but the blending and switching of scenes between the adults and kids just had this effect on me.. Did anyone else cry too or am I just the oddball here??

  18. Anonymous says:

    Isn't it a little wee too early to release a Merdeka video for this year????

  19. Catherine Susan says:

    The school I went to didn't have this alright. Each race kept to themselves, though I wished that we mixed more. Unfortunately, some narrow minded souls just believe it is better to flock with their own group. What a shame!!

  20. Rosmah says:

    It's Merdeka ev'ry day if we all cultivate the spirit of oneness. Desn't matter if they released it 10 months before or whateva. It's surprisingly very clear. Both the message and the quality of the clip.

  21. Jody says:

    Does this even still exist in our Malaysian community these days?? How come I don't see it???

  22. Dilpreet Singh says:

    How funny you should say this. You surely aren't Malaysian Jody!! I see the spirit of a 1 Malaysia every single day!

  23. Harlem says:

    When was this produced?? The link is all over Facebook now especially on Malaysian pages

  24. Mariam Yusoff says:

    Good morning all. Woke up to this beautiful video on the 1Malaysia Facebook Page.

  25. Fiona Wee says:

    Was this on TV? I don't remember watching this ad. Which channel was this?

  26. Yong Wai Wai says:


  27. Sneha Kaur says:

    Fiona, I dun think this was aired on tv. They just released it online. Read the fine print below the video. Nonetheless, despite the movie being limited to only 7 minutes, it has an excellent storyline. Well done!

  28. U-N-I-T-Y says:

    I reblogged this video on my Tumblr blog. With full credits to the original creator without any other changes. Hope you all don't mind. Cheers

  29. chinu says:

    Superb.. the unity that should always be seen among malaysians

  30. Ali says:

    What a meaningful production. It never struck my mind until now that the different races in Malaysia used to mingle with each other so freely in the past. It is so said to say that today, I see the races divided!

  31. JARED CHONG says:


  32. Kenny says:

    Hoping to see a united Malaysia is like hoping for the sun to rise from the west and set in the east. Still the video is for a good cause. I'm sure most of us hope that Malaysia will, although I seriously doubt it, be completely united one day!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Amazing effort!

  34. Julia says:

    So touching that I cried. aww

  35. Kimi Ong says:

    I really liked the last part. It was edited in such a way that it brought back many memories of a united Malaysia. To all who produced such an excellent video that shows the true spirit of Malaysia, WELL DONE!!

  36. ANAK 1MALAYSIA says:


  37. Deepika says:

    The children acted very well! How did the crew get to convince these young souls to be part of such a soul-enriching production? Good work.

  38. Sam Lee says:

    Happy birthday Malaysia! We are proud to be part of a great nation rich of tradition and culture. Long live Malaysia!!

  39. man behind a camera says:

    I still liked this movie better. The 2013 production is good, but perhaps too short. I really liked the excellent videography skills here.

  40. Peter Reese says:

    Genevieve. You're a really good in the performing arts. Your recent video productions, though not many, are evidences of my judgment. You are a person with many talents and I wish you all the best wherever you go. As I've told you before many years ago, I pray you will not quit doing all the good work by spreading the beautiful messages to uplift mankind. Continue filming and I look forward to watch many more of your shows in the future.

  41. Peter Reese says:

    I want to see you publish more books too!


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