Mapping A New Life
Posted on Tuesday 12 June 2012 and filed under Dwayne Tan Lih How , Poetry , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
Advance from the day we were born,
Getting smarter as each day goes by,
Gaining experience until the day we 'die'.
But fret not for it's not today,
The journey ahead is just at bay,
All we need is the first step,
Into a new life that we can map.
Poet: Dwayne Tan Lih How
Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 6 - JULY 2012 Edn)
5 Responses for “ Mapping A New Life”
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What a beautiful poem Dwayne. Keep it up. You truly have a talent for this.
Short and straight to the point, yet beautifully expressed. Well done Dwayne!
You are right.. learning is a life long journey.. we learn till the day we die.. Why afraid to make give the first step and map a new life.. Thanks for the wonderful poem.. Can't wait for the next one..
Indeed. I am going to be a fan of yours Dwayne:) keep it up..
i am already a fan! keep up the good work.