Master Genevieve's Lecture on 'Willpower' in Malaysia Concluded

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

A LECTURE on 'Willpower' was delivered by Master Genevieve Tan Shu Thung in Klang, Malaysia yesterday.

Willpower, which is an important element in everyone's life, is required to carry out any small action in this world including waking up in the morning. Willpower is Man's current of life, which can either help you positively when nourished, or drag you down when neglected.

"Life is what you make out of it! Life is the harmony of which all of us are composing and arranging," said the Master. "Because it is a harmony, we need to be clear about every single detail. Similarly, when you have a goal, you need to define every single aspect of it in detail before you can see it clearly in your mind's eye so that it can objectify in your physical surrounding."

The Master went on by suggesting all to list all the ideals on paper instead of allowing the ideas to float in the mind: "The mind is a mad monkey. When you allow the ideas to float around the mind, you cannot really see it clearly as they are all jumbled up. Writing them down will keep you more focused on your ideals so that you can work towards them one-by-one."

Participants had their fighting spirit rejuvenated and self-confidence restored as every word of the Master hit the inner core of their being.

"The lecture gave me a very big kick to be back on track with my life. I feel motivated to release my current stagnant lifestyle and I now have an idea what exactly I want to achieve in life," said Wong Eileen.

With the techniques taught by the Master that day, Wong has a better clue now as to how to define her dream and will it to come into being: "Now I know that willpower is the most powerful tool in life, and with this, anything is possible."

Supporting Wong's view is another participant Vinodhini Naidu, who agreed that willpower is the first step to lead a person towards a better future.

"It was a wake up call for me. I have decided to list down my goals and write them in a more detailed manner, then work towards it unceasingly," said the 22-year-old optometry student.

Some participants claimed to have personally practiced the techniques put forward by the Master all these while, but never knew how powerful the practice was until highlighted by the Master during the lecture that day.

Seen at the lecture were disciples taking down notes as they listened for more wisdom on how to better their lives. Despite the lack of sleep due to travelling all the way from another state, Sim On Loon still made an effort to drive himself and his partner to attend the lecture, which he believed to have made a difference in the way he thinks.

Older participants in their 50s were also observed to keep an open mind as to the ideas introduced by the Master that day. Many of the ideas were new to them and they wondered if their lives would have been different had they applied these principles earlier in their lives.

Rajeswari Munnuswami, a devoted housewife with 3 grown-up children, was not afraid to voice out and even actively participated in the discussion that day despite the fact that the lecture was mostly dominated by young participants.

"After listening to the lecture, I am now convicted in the belief that where there is a will, there is a way to resolve anything that comes our way," she said.

Participants who attended the lecture that day ranged from university students in their early 20s to people in their 50s. The lecture, which started at 11.30am, concluded at 1pm with the Master teaching a short meditation technique.

According to 27-year-old C.S. Tey, this was by far the most impressive lecture he has ever attended in his life. "A lot of things that actually happen in our daily lives were used as examples, therefore it was easy for us to understand the core of her message. I was very impressed. Thank you, Master."

The participant also expressed that he cannot wait for the next lecture.

"It was really inspiring, and I would like to bring more of my friends the next time round," he added with a beam on his face despite the fact that this was his first time attending Master Genevieve's lecture in Malaysia.

All participants are eagerly waiting for the Master's next lecture in Malaysia before she flies back to India this coming July.

NOTE: Both the transcript and video of the Master's lecture will be published online soon.

The transcript to the Master's lecture is available here:

Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources

Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 6 - JULY 2012 Edn)

5 Responses for “ Master Genevieve's Lecture on 'Willpower' in Malaysia Concluded”

  1. Suzanne T says:

    The lecture was indeed very inspiring.To give us a better understanding of the concept of Willpower, Master taught us how to apply the concept in a simplest way and with real life examples. I am looking forward to attend the next lecture too:)

  2. Urmila Sai says:

    I've been listening to Master's lecture for so many years now, but I was still inspired when I listened to her talk that day. I really thought about what she said as it really had an impact in the way I think. Thank you so much to all the organisers of the lecture.

    Her jokes were also very entertaining. No one can sleep during her lectures as she engages our attention. I am also waiting for the next one.

  3. Soshana Rao says:

    When exactly will the Master be going back to India? Would like to meet her there.

  4. Paema Shri says:

    We're still waiting for the transcript of the Master's lecture. When will it be published?

  5. Jerry says:

    One powerful lecture. Read the first part of the transcript. Is there the 2nd one? Couldn't find it.


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