Yogamudrasana for Abdominal Ailments and Menstrual Disorders
Posted on Saturday 30 June 2012 and filed under Health , Wong Eileen , Yoga , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
Yogamudrasana is also known as the "Psychic Union Pose" or the "Yoga Seal pose". The different variations of the Asana helps to tone the spinal nerves resulting in good health. It is especially useful for those suffering from abdominal ailments such as constipation, indigestion, bloating and even menstrual disorders.
The placing of the heels in this Yoga pose helps improve the peristaltic activity in the colon by exerting extra force around the abdominal region to push down the accumulated waste. It also massages the internal organs, which enhances the digestive system at the same time to alleviate bloating. The flexibility of the spinal nerves and back muscles is also increased during the stretch while bending downwards. Yogamudrasana is believed to confer positive benefits for women suffering from menstruation disorders if practiced regularly.
Spiritually, this Asana also helps awaken the 'Manipura Chakra'.
Pregnant women and patients suffering from hernia, back problems, infections of the sacral region or injuries to the ankles and knees should not attempt this Asana.
1) Assume Padmasana (Lotus pose).
2) Close your eyes and relax the whole body. Breathe normally.
3) Inhale, place both hands to the back and left hand grasps the right wrist.
4) Open your eyes, exhale while slowly bending forward from the waist. Make sure you keep the spine straight.
5) Attempt to touch the floor with your forehead. If you cannot reach the floor, try placing a block in front of you and bend towards the block. Remember not to strain any part of the body while attempting any Yoga Asana.
6) Hold the breath and remain in this final position for few seconds.
7) Then, inhale slowly while raising the upper body back to Padmasana.
8) Repeat this 4 to 6 times.
9) For another variation of this Asana, repeat the same steps as above. However, instead of bending forward, exhale and bend to the left side. Try to touch your forehead on the floor. The example is shown below:
10) Hold the breath and remain in this position for few seconds.
11) Inhale and return to original position.
11) Repeat the same for the right side. For each side, repeat the Asana 3 to 5 times.
Note: If you are facing difficulties sitting in Padmasana (the Lotus Pose), it is recommended that you try the alternative: the Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus pose) whereby one foot is placed near the hip with another foot on the floor. If one still faces difficulties doing so, then go for the sukhasana (the Easy Pose), which is the simple cross-legged pose.
Author: Wong Eileen
Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 6 - JUL 2012 Edn)
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