Awaking from Duality

Posted on Monday 28 January 2013 and filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Guide me right
to the light below the layers
send me then
to my epaxial saviour.

Wearing the coat

of unnecessary needs
to keep warm
my off-beat dreams.

Through spectacles of love and hate

come forth the beauty and fate
of our ever-different elusive world.

Our natural state is chaos in wake

And the illusory faith in utopian tastes
Is our noose for claiming righteousness.

Permit me then

to soberly mend
my resonance with
the now, and in
that frozen moment
above and beyond, behold then
that fixed fact
of a noble pact 
that ties all acts betwixt -
our capacity of the dual.

Copyright © 2013 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (JANUARY 2013)

4 Responses for “ Awaking from Duality”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I didn't understand the poem. Whats it about?

  2. Adam Radhi says:

    It is a captured epiphany. One that revealed a deeper meaning and truth beyond the grip of logic and reason; hence the inherent aspect of duality. And as such, it is written as if to be in two parts. Stanza's one, two and three are written in the shoes of one who is realising a higher peace and purpose - epaxial (above the axis) saviour. With those stanza's offering more direction, conviction and purpose they almost read like a mission statement, like a mantra. Stanza's three and four are written in a modest attempt to capture the crux of the epiphany, the notion that the inescapable duality is the key to Oneness.
    To explain stanza four a little clearer - Our blood stained history shows an ever repeating occurrence of war, disharmony, chaos. Our hopes, dreams and wishes for a perfect world are dangerous when we have not realized the higher peace and purpose, for we risk violence upon difference and live with only one eye open.

  3. Corrine says:

    I like the explanation. Still too deep for me! :D)

  4. Adam Radhi says:

    Thank you, Corrine :) im will be trying to write lighter ideas. Thank you again.


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