Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

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Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. Symptoms range from headache, dizziness, palpitation, breathlessness and fatigue. The main cause of hypertension is stress. Other factors contributing to this condition are being overweight, lack of physical activity, smoking, excessive consumption of sodium, low intake of potassium and repeated infections of the kidney, which plays an important role in secreting a natural chemical known as rennin to control the blood pressure. Hormonal disorders and certain drugs can also contribute to hypertension.

Extra care must taken in cases of high blood pressure as it may damage organs in the body and increase the risk of a heart attack, stroke, brain haemorrhage, kidney disease and vision loss.

A healthy diet
Maintaining a healthy diet is of prime importance for the treatment of hypertension. Keeping watch of one’s weight is vital to maintain a healthy cholesterol level and blood pressure. Patients should avoid food items that are high in sodium but should consume more food items containing high level of potassium as this nutrient helps the body expel excess sodium and regulate the working of the vascular system.

NOTE: Although bananas are rich in potassium, certified naturopaths such as Dr. H.K. Bakhru would advise hypertensive patients against consuming this fruit.

It is also advised by many herbalists that hypertensive patients avoid food containing high protein as much as possible; i.e. meat & eggs. If possible, it is advisable for such patients to observe a vegetarian diet.

Celery: A wonder vegetable for hypertension
One of the best vegetables available in your local market that is beneficial in reducing your blood pressure is celery. Over the past many years, many have claimed that their high blood pressure have successfully been lowered by consuming this wonder vegetable.

Professor of Preventive and Internal Medicine and Pharmacology at the Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences in Yakima, Washington Dr. William J. Elliott says that celery lowers blood pressure by reducing blood concentrations of stress hormones that cause blood vessel to constrict. This enables the vessels to open wider for blood flow. Hence, he suggests that celery is most effective for patients whose blood pressure is linked to mental stress.

Useful herbal remedies
Studies show that garlic (otherwise known as Lahsuna) is a useful remedy to treat hypertension cases. Garlic has the ability to ease the spasm of the small arteries, hence reducing pressure and tension. Daily intake of garlic also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm. A clove of garlic is best consumed raw on an empty stomach every morning.

Other useful herbal formulations to treat the condition include Gokshura, Rudraksha, Arjunarishta, Gokshuradi Gugul, and Hridyamrit Vati.

Gooseberry & Watermelon
Two other good fruits which are beneficial for hypertensive patients are the Indian Gooseberry (Amla) and watermelons. Amla is rich in Vitamin P, which is essential for preventing capillary fragility while watermelon has been observed in research to dilate blood vessels, thus effectively lowering one’s blood pressure.

Avoid caffeine
Some studies even suggest that caffeine may increase blood pressure. Hence, it may be advisable for patients to refrain from drinking tea and coffee.

Antioxidants - Lemon juice
Never forget your antioxidants. Vitamin C assists the body to absorb iron. One of the best ways to give your body a good source of vitamins would be lemon water. It is not only rich in Vitamin C that can aid in thinning the blood, it is also an excellent source of Vitamin P (especially in the lemon rind) that can prevent the fragility of capillaries and help the body absorb Vitamin C effectively.

Reduce stress through exercise, Yoga and meditation
Avoiding mental stress is also another important factor to see to for hypertensive patients. As high blood pressure is mainly triggered by the built-up of stress, it is vital to include a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Exercise does not only help relieve tension but also helps one to reduce weight. The greater one’s body mass, the more pressure there is on his or her artery walls because more blood is produced to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues in the whole body.

Hypertensive patients experiencing hypertensive crisis, who has also been warned by their doctors to avoid moderate exercise, should avoid using the sauna. The American Heart Association claims that there are potentially harmful affects of hot tubs and saunas to people suffering from high blood pressure. Using hot tubs and saunas encourage vasodilation (opening of the blood vessels).

Yoga and meditation are also beneficial practices to relieve hypertension. The recommended Yogasana for this condition is Savasana (The Corpse). For this posture, one lies flat on the back with eyes closed, placing the arms beside and in-line with the body. Feet are to be slightly apart to a comfortable position and palms facing upwards.

In a nutshell, follow these steps to keep your blood pressure under control:

1)  Consume a clove of raw garlic on an empty stomach every morning.
2)  Drink plenty of warm water throughout the day to excrete toxins from the body (if possible, add a lemon to it).
3)  Taking a brisk walk is a good exercise for the body, which will not only help you reduce stress, but keep obesity at bay too.
4)  Include celery in your diet:- You could make a smoothie out of it, or just eat it raw as salad.
5)  Practicing Yoga and Pranayama are great ways to reduce your mental stress, which is the main cause of high blood pressure. This can in turn lower your blood pressure as well.
6)  Avoid consuming unhealthy food items and those that contain excessive salt and oil. Hypertensive patients must avoid caffeine as well.

Author: Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

Copyright © 2013 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (JANUARY 2013)

1 Response for “ Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure”

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