Help Your Pet Cope Through Winter
Posted on Sunday 27 January 2013 and filed under Ang Mei Hwa , Pet Zone , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
As winter approaches, we cannot help but feel elated for snow. Yet, unlike humans who are most fortunate to have themselves protected with necessities from the cold spell, animals (especially the strays) will dread every moment of having to endure this season.
If one has a pet, it is easier to keep them warm inside the house. But what happens to those strays who are less fortunate? This season, let us do our bit of share to help the homeless animals.
After all sharing is caring.
First of all, we need to identify what are the items needed to warm these fur kids:
a) Heated water bowl
b) Heated pet bed:
For arthritic pets, a heated bed is a helpful addition all year round for all climates! For the cold days of winter, a heated bed is a welcome comfort for indoor pets and a necessity for many outdoor pets. Different beds are available for indoor or outdoor use. Find one that fits your pet's needs. Of course, this option is only applicable to those having pets inside their house. For those pets/strays that are kept outside, you may have to consider these options instead…
c) Dog sweater and jackets:
While some people dress-up their pets for fun, harsh climates make dog coats a necessity for some breeds. Some dogs are not suited for all types of weather. Short-coated dogs benefit from a weather-resistant coat. Older dogs can keep a chill off even indoors with a sweater. Caution is advised for pets wearing clothes -- supervision is recommended.
d) Pet boots:
Dogs can be very picky about their feet and what touches their paws, but if they will be tolerant of boots, these are a great way to protect their paws from snow, ice, cold temperatures and chemical deicers.
e) Pet ID tags:
Pet ID tags are a necessity all year round. I am including them here as a reminder that pets may become disoriented if separated from you in a storm or while out running in the snow. Pet ID tag information should also be updated as necessary. Finding your lost pet or locating an owner of an injured pet could mean the difference between life and death. Also, only for home pets.
f) Pet Safe Ice Melt and Antifreeze:
Keeping things from freezing or becoming icy and slippery are top concerns for winter. These endeavours used to pose a potentially deadly hazard from pets who lick paws or boots that had deicer on them or by tasting deadly antifreeze.
Thankfully, we now have safer antifreeze alternatives and pet-safe deicers to melt icy surfaces.
On another note, if one has no means to afford such luxuries, one may consider other alternatives. You can get help from the community or friends-alike to raise funds or build a temporary shelter for strays if you want to make a difference.
Author: Ang Mei Hwa
Copyright © 2013 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (JANUARY 2013)
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