Concordia Discors
Posted on Sunday 3 March 2013 and filed under Adam Radhi Agaki , Poetry , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
There is a definite line that we do draw
When tired, aching and sore.
It runs the measure of our resilient core,
Exposes the lightning reach of our hearts inner law.
When the rolling rivers run dry;
Teased by a trickle, we learn to try again.
When our fighting fuel burns past bright;
Sparked by the special, we ignite our sight again.
When the magic of the storm ceases to mesmerise;
Embraced by the ethereal, order in chaos is realised again.
Faith in the darkest hour makes our mystery crystal clear.
When tired, aching and sore.
It runs the measure of our resilient core,
Exposes the lightning reach of our hearts inner law.
When the rolling rivers run dry;
Teased by a trickle, we learn to try again.
When our fighting fuel burns past bright;
Sparked by the special, we ignite our sight again.
When the magic of the storm ceases to mesmerise;
Embraced by the ethereal, order in chaos is realised again.
Faith in the darkest hour makes our mystery crystal clear.
Poet: Adam Radhi Agaki
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