Why Choosing the Right Exercise Outfit is Important

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(hla) PEOPLE these days spend so much time choosing the right outfit for specific occasions. Why should choosing the right exercise outfit be any different? Many assume that as long as the working out gear is comfortable, it is sufficient, but is it?

There are different attires to wear in different situations. When you visit any fitness centre, you will notice different people with a different attire. There are those who specifically wear sports wear and adhere to a certain outfit protocol. Maybe, for some, wearing those branded exercise wear gives them a boost of confidence or a feeling of belonging to a fitness centre / gym while for others, it may just simply be because they were designed for such workouts that the clients actually feel comfortable putting them on for exercise.

It has become a trend today to be 'trendy' or fashionable at fitness centres. Remember, a place where you work out is not a catwalk. Believe it or not, do not be surprised to hear fitness instructors telling you that clients have actually turned up for their workout programme in high heels! It is not so much about the brand of the exercise gear that you put on during your workout but the purpose of which it serves for your programme.

There are various factors that many fail to understand how important wearing a proper outfit for exercise actually is. Here are some of the many reasons:

1) The Right Workout Gear Adds Protection and Prevents Injuries
Wearing the right workout gear will add protection to our body. Thick clothing can lead to excessive sweating and causes the body to lose heat more rapidly and may increase the risk of hypothermia. Therefore, porous clothing is recommended during workout. Wearing the right workout gear also helps to prevent injuries. For instance, wearing gloves can protect the hands from developing calluses when weight lifting.

It is also possible for excessively baggy clothing to get trapped in heavy equipment that may result in injuries.

2) Well-fitted Clothing Improves Freedom of Movement
Focusing on movement is important when exercising. If the clothing doesn’t offer the right support or if it restricts the movement, it may affect the workout regime. For instance, when doing yoga, the pants that you are wearing must provide you with the flexibility to stretch. While baggy outfits may be comfortable, practising inverted Yoga postures in them may be a huge inconvenience there may be body exposure when the clothes 'fall back'. Baggy shirt and tight pants will therefore restrict your freedom of movement and is therefore not recommended for Yoga practitioners.

3) Compression Clothing Can Aid In Recovery After Exercise
Compression clothing provides graduated compression to stimulate circulation. It is like a massaging effect which stimulates blood flow. The increased blood flowing through muscles removes the lactic acid produced during exercise. Recovery is boosted as a result. Muscles are less sore and stiff as the direct pressure applied to muscle can reduce soreness and inflammation.

4) The Correct Sports Clothing Improves Performance
A good and correct sports attire will help to improve performance. For instance, a top that is made of non-breathable material can stop the release of heat from the body. Shirts made of 100% cotton absorbs sweat and hold it against the body. All these will result in excessive heating and discomfort, which will cut short your exercise time. Therefore, choose workout clothing that wicks perspiration away from your body. This will help to improve performance during workout.

5) The Right Sports Clothing Boosts Confidence
When you are wearing well-fitted workout clothing, you will feel more confident. This confidence translates into better performance. When you are wearing right and feel confident about it, you will want to spend longer time in the fitness centre. So, what you wear will make a difference if you believe it will help you perform better.

To enhance your workout regime, choose the right workout gear and you are sure to enjoy your experience and optimise your workout potential.

Stay tune for our future article on why choosing the correct sports shoe is just as important as choosing your workout clothing! There are tons to choose from. Which one is best for you?

Phoon See Mun (Sandhya Maarga Institute of Holistic Living student for the Diploma in Yoga Teaching course)
Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

Copyright © 2017 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources 
Holistic Living Annex (July 2017)

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