Rice Water for Clear Complexion

Posted on Wednesday 1 February 2012 and filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Have you ever heard of the popular product called SK-II? I am sure many of you must know that SK-II is one of the most expensive beauty products available in the market today. For those of you who have not heard of SK-II before, it is basically a product that is well known to utilise an ingredient known as ‘pitera’, which has been claimed to be beneficial in revitalizing the skin’s natural renewal cycle to give you a crystal clear skin. ‘Pitera’ is found in rice and its benefits were observed since time immemorial amongst Japanese ladies.

The benefits of rice water have been discussed widely over the world for ages. Elderly people used to give advice to their younger generations to wash their face with rice water as it contains various nutrients that may remove sebum, rejuvenate, lighten and smoothen the skin, and plays an active role in preventing numerous types of skin problems.

All you have to do is to keep aside the water used to wash rice before cooking it. It is best to use the rice water from the first ‘wash’. The water will appear ‘cloudy’ because you are actually washing off the starch so that the rice would not stick together when you cook it. If however, you are afraid that the water may be dirty, you can store the water from the second rinse.

Wash your face with your regular cleanser. Having done so, pat it dry. Then take the ‘cloudy’ substance from the rice water that you stored earlier with both your palms and pat the water on your whole face. Let the water dry naturally.

Follow this method twice a day, morning and evening, for best results. You will soon notice that your face is lighter, smoother and possess a naturally beautiful glow. The desired results will be obtained when this method is practiced regularly over time.

Additionally, it is also beneficial for your skin to rice-steam your face. Regular water-steaming by itself is great to draw the unwanted substances from underneath your skin. This is ideal for people having pimples or acne, though it may worsen the condition at the beginning but will begin to clear up after some time. It is really just like regular water-steaming; the only difference is you use the steam from cooking rice to do your facial-spa. The steam does not only confer one beauty benefits but also plays a part in relaxing one’s facial muscle and is great in calming down one’s mind after a long stressful day.

After the steam, beware not to wash your face immediately. Wipe the water off your face first with a clean towel / tissue and wait for awhile (about 5 minutes), or you may end up having a skin condition called pityriasis if you wash your face immediately. Then, rinse your face with very cold water and wash it with your regular cleanser. Remember to tone your skin as the steam would have opened your pores earlier.

Do rice-steaming at least TWICE a week to keep your skin in tip-top condition. If however, you are unable to do it TWICE a week for whatever reasons, try to keep up with the ‘once-a-week’ regimen to enjoy the benefits of rice-steaming.

Combining the practices of the rice-steaming and leaving the rice-water on your face regimens, your skin will be at your satisfaction.

Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources

Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 1 - FEB 2012 Edn)

8 Responses for “ Rice Water for Clear Complexion”

  1. Anitha says:

    This is a repost from the old website... Still a nice read..

  2. LCC says:

    It is a hassle to get the rice-water again after each wash. Can I just store the rice water in the fridge for next days' use?

  3. @LCC: You can store the rice water in the fridge for some time, but remember, fresh is always best! After all, we are using natural ingredients.

  4. Sorin says:

    Ya!! Genevieve was right try to use fresh rice water as possible. I stored the rice water in my fridge overnight, it was still okay but the following night it had kind of weird smell.

  5. sNoW wHItE says:

    I luvvvv this post! My skin has never been softer & clearer. the potholes due to acne scarring are disappearing, and every one around me notices the glow on my face. It has only been 2 weekssss!!!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Rice water is when you boil the rice, in that way you can explore in the maximum the benefits of the rice ...I am not sure that you will see any difference if you use the water without boiling it


  7. Lilo says:

    I've used the rice water without boiling following the instructions above and it works just fine!! My complexion improved within 2 weeks, fairer and softer.

  8. I'm going to try a nightly regimen of low alcohol sake with a rice powder mask. Using the sake to wet the rice powder into a thick paste and place on my skin for an hour. And daily spritz the sake before I place my makeup on for the day.


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