Healing Powers of Hot Water
Posted on Friday 5 April 2013 and filed under Faris AlHajri , Health: Alternative Therapies , Health: Children , Health: Drugs & Chemicals , Health: Head & Mind , Health: Herbal Remedies , Health: News , News , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
The healing powers of hot water is synonymous with the hot water therapy. It is a new scientific discovery and has been assimilated as being part of the Hydro-Thermal Therapy, which is a combination of:-
a) The Methods of Drinking Hot Water.
b) The Hydro-Thermal Air Therapy (a combination of Hydro-Thermal Towel Therapy and Thermal Air Therapy.)
c) The Hot Water Steam Therapy
The human brain is the most unique organ, which no one to date has ever discovered its full potential. Not only does the brain emit hormones, it controls the flow of these hormones throughout the human body. It is the most sensitive and delicate organ that I have ever come across according to my own personal scientific discovery. Regardless, what makes it interesting is that this delicate organ is able to carry out spectacular functions throughout the entire history of mankind.
However, due to the evolution of perceptions and lifestyle, man now experiences fear, worry, phobia and many other emotions that lead to stress. Stress is now widespread throughout the whole world so much so it has reached an alarming level. Because of stress, many aspects of social life have been destroyed.
Hot water is perhaps one of the best solutions to regulate the human brain so that it properly controls the hormonal balance of our organs. It cleanses all the debris accumulated in the brain.
Our precious Earth
We have all heard about the dangers our world is facing regarding the damage of the ozone layer, global warming, ecological imbalance, destruction of thousands of hectares of forests, the lack of drinkable water, the contamination of the ground water, the overwhelming increase of Earth population where our world population has grown ten times in 300 years; as of today the world populations stands at seven billion, the lack of sewage system which is the result of contamination of the ground due to industrial wastes, toxic elements emitted from the industries, an overwhelming increase in number of people suffering from various diseases....etc.
Various organizations are actively engaged in protecting our environment. However, it is important to know that the biggest danger we face today is perhaps the toxic wastes emitted by the pharmaceutical industry. Whether it is emitted directly (dumping waste from industries, hospitals or other health organizations) or indirectly (human wastes containing these toxins as they discharge them from the bodies), these are the biggest threats to our environment.
Much effort has been exerted by scientists and different non-profit organizations to investigate the different matters that threaten our environment. One of these important areas includes the topic of 'water'.
Therapeutic Healing Powers of Hot Water
The therapeutic value of hot water is not a newly discovered theory. Hot water has been used by the Chinese, Indians and people from the other parts of the Southeast Asian countries. Having conducted a thorough research on the healing benefits of hot water, I myself am completely cured from all diseases and allergies that I was suffering from.
By drinking hot water and understanding all the scientific evidences about the healing powers of hot water, you will start to discover the miracles it can do to your life in order to keep you healthy and happy.
The pastor of the Oman Evangelic Christian Church (OECC) said that the "people will start to realise the importance of preserving water as they start to realise the benefits of hot water in their health and well-being."
Our Precious Water
Water is the elixir of our life, and without it, no living being would ever survive. The hot water therapy is the best and most powerful natural and health-risk free element to detoxify our bodies from all toxins that usually affect our bodily organs. Water is perhaps the most powerful natural medicine in the world. Unlike human-made medicines (whether traditional or modern), water does not contribute to any side-effects in our bodies.
The benefit that we will get from drinking water will be greatly multiplied if we substitute drinking ordinary water with hot water.
Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
Hot water is the source of creation and composition of every human. It is the main substance where the foetal development takes place, "the amniotic fluid", and without it or with lesser volume or even if the temperature drops, the foetus development cannot take place properly.
The hot water therapy is purely 100% natural and has thus no side effects and is accessible to all. Hot water has the potential of melting the fats in our bodies, destroy harmful bacteria and neutralise toxins in the form of gases. It also prevents many diseases, strengthens the immune system and enhances one's memory. Drinking hot water can also regulate women's menstrual cycle, helps eliminate dead skin and brightens the skin.
It is the only natural substance that can provide us with Hydrogen, energy and pure Oxygen at the same time. It is the best anti-oxidant that protects our cells from the effects of free-radical damage, that is responsible for our ageing process as it regulates the hormonal balance in our bodies.
Methods of Hot Water Therapy
There are several methods to the hot water therapy:
a) Drinking hot water (the basic method for the hot water therapy)
b) Hydro-towel (hot water towel) therapy
c) Hot water steam therapy
The Benefits of Hot Water Therapy on Our Body:
- Brain: boosting brainstorming performance.
- Heart: regulating the mind and therefore inducing the feeling of peace and love.
- Muscles & bones: increasing the body's strength and libido.
- Blood: provides the best nutrition that is needed by the body organs.
- Skin: make skin look younger and healthier.
- Eyes: improves vision and whitens the sclera.
- Lungs: improves breathing and cleanses the lungs from polluted matter.
- Stomach: discharges wastes and toxic materials.
- Teeth: protects the gums and remove plaque deposits.
- Tongue: helps brighten the appearance of the tongue and rids bad mouth odour.
- Blood vessels: removes fatty deposits for easy circulation of blood throughout the body.
- Blood cells: increases blood cell activity, making the body to be capable of fighting against diseases. It strengthens the immune system.
- Women's menstrual cycle: purifies the blood and regulates the hormonal imbalance that usually occurs in women during menstruation.
- Pregnant mothers: helps aid easy delivery by decreasing pain. It also helps regulate the amniotic fluid temperature that helps preserve the baby in the mother's womb.
- Ameliorates the body organs.
So, start replacing drinking cold water or room-temperature water with hot water today and enjoy the above said benefits.
Author: Faris AlHajri
Copyright © 2013 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (APRIL 2013)
4 Responses for “ Healing Powers of Hot Water”
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Very good article. I'd like to try this therapy. Drinking hot water seems very easy but what is the ideal temperature of the water for it to be considered 'hot'?
Must the water be boiling hot? How much of hot water must we drink throughout the day? Is drinking hot water therapy just drinking hot water or are there precautions or steps to follow?
I always drink hot drinks. I love hot coffee. Do hot coffee and tea count?
@Jennifer: Hi Jennifer. The temperature of hot water shall be at 50ÂșC. A little bit lower than the temperature of your hot tea or coffee.
@Cassey: It is not necessary that the water is boiling hot. You can get it directly from your dispenser (hot) or you can mix the boiling water with some warm water just in case you're rushing. But it would always be better if you boil it first so that the water is safer to drink as there may be some inorganic particles such as clay, silt, and organic particles such as algae, viruses, protozoa, parasites, bacteria, fungi and a range of dissolved particulate materials.
You will also need to drink around 8-10 glasses of hot water daily (3 litres). Strongly recommended to abide "The Methods of Drinking Hot Water" (will be provided separately).
Drinking hot water in general will benefit you, but following its steps would be much better. Yes, there are some precautions to be taken, such as the "BICAU" application - Believing, Implementing, Continuation, Appreciation & Understanding. Further precautions are also crucial like to foods and drinks to consume and eliminate, etc.
@JumaLady: Hot coffee and tea never count and should never be a substitution to pure drinking hot water. Any additive to hot water loses its molecular formula and thus loses its credibility and proper function. It is either 'herbal', such as tea, coffee, juice etc., or toxic substance such as the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), just an extra oxygen molecule on water already makes it no longer safe for drinking.
So enjoy your favorite hot drink, but it should never be substituted to your daily intake of hot water as recommended.