NEW Term for Yoga Courses at SMHWC

Posted on Saturday 21 September 2013 and filed under , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Term 2 has begun at Sandhya Maarga Holistic Wellness Centre, Klang (MALAYSIA). We wish all our recurrent students a good "WELCOME BACK" and to all new students, "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY"!

We have had wonderful achievements over the last term with very positive stories of our students who lost weight, reduced their cholestrol level until they need not take cholestrol control medication any longer, normalised their blood pressure (for hypertensive patients), improved their bodies' agility and flexibility, and who had experienced a boost in their confidence, concentration and memory.

Our Sandhya Maarga Yoga family in Malaysia has grown to double its size this term compared to our previous term, which means that we will be having more fun since we will have more Yoga partners to practice Yoga with during each class. Nonetheless, we will still ensure that each class has only a maximum of between 10-12 persons so that the instructors can keep an eye on each student's progress.

There is nothing more valuable than health. Health is wealth. Practicing Yoga is not only a physical exercise, but also a mental one. One gets trained to be disciplined and develop inner strength as time passes by.

Tho those students who just started their Yoga courses with us, do not be discouraged if you are unable to perform certain Yogasanas (Yoga postures). Your flexibility will definitely increase over time. If it may comfort you, we also had students last term who had stiff muscles and could not bend to perform certain postures at the beginning of the term. By the end of the term, most of them could already perform the Halasana (Plow pose).

One of our Sandhya Maarga Yoga students (Yoga for Weight Loss) not only lost weight, she claims that her cholestrol level has also been reduced. Before the Yoga course, her cholestrol reading was 7+. Now that she has completed one term, her cholestrol reading is 5+ (and that is without any medication).

Let us all give ourselves a pat in the back for having completed a miraculous term last month, and motivate ourselves to keep up with the new one!

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